Sunday 17 October 2010

Week 2: Need Something Soon.........Please

This past week for industry practice has been rather eventful.

On Monday I contacted my friend at BP Andrew Carter-Fea. After speaking with him I found out that there may be some work that we could create for them. However my contact asked that a physical letter be sent to him giving the details of the module video. This letter was compiled on the Monday afternoon and sent on the Tuesday.

The letter contained my personal contacts (address, mobile number, and home number) and the production company email address. However upon writing this blog there has been no contact from BP of any kind.

However Emmaline has received a phone call on Tuesday from the community church centre that they are interested in a video product. With this in mind on Thursday Emmaline contacted the community church to arrange a meeting. This meeting was arranged for the following Monday at 1:00pm. I have not contacted BP just in case the community church cannot deliver.

Also realising that next week there is a mock presentation of the video product the group decided to begin piecing together a presentation. I was tasked with gathering some general research on the community churches lighthouse project from the following areas:

Due to there being no details on the actual product much of the presentation was left unfinished. This presentation will be completed for next week.

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